Links to information leaflets for ophthalmological procedures carried out by Mr Benson
A cataract is simply a clouding of the natural lens in the eye. This can be removed and a clear, plastic, lens can be placed in the eye to improve vision. If attending for a cataract pre assessment please bring a recent report from your optician as this can help plan your surgery and lens choice. Mr Benson is a proud believer in bilateral immediate sequential cataract surgery for patients who are suitable and would like to get both cataracts sorted on the same day.
Macular Hole
Macular Hole causes changes in the central vision of one eye most commonly in women in their 50's and 60's. It is normally fixed with an operation at the back of the eye and insertion of a gas bubble. Mr Benson does not normally require posturing after surgery and has excellent macular hole outcomes.
Floaters can be very troublesome and can be treated in a variety of ways. Mr Benson is experienced in surgical approaches to improve the symptoms of floaters with and without combined cataract surgery. He uses the most up to date 27G equipment to perform this surgery safely in a minimally invasive way.
Epiretinal Membrane
Epiretinal Membrane is a common problem that can cause visual blurring or distortion in one or both eyes. Mr Benson is an expert in surgical management as well as discussion about who should have surgery and who can safely avoid having surgery if not progressive disease.
Retinal Laser
Many eye conditions can be treated with laser and many progressive diseases of the retina can be prevented with appropriately applied and appropriately timed laser treatments. This is not the same as laser refractive surgery to improve vision or remove the need for glasses. Mr Benson will ensure you are given adequate time to discuss options before deciding on a treatment plan.